In the era of social media, is blogging dead? I would disagree.
Not only does blogging provide relevant content to your audience, but it helps index your website, or add pages to Google. And there's a way to strategize blogging that increases the likelihood of your audience seeing your content through SEO, or search engine optimization. After listening to episode #221 of Amy Portfield's The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast where she interviews Neil Petal, master of SEO, I realized this information was too good not to share. In this article, I'm going to walk you through the process of developing a detailed 3-month SEO plan to optimize your website, create evergreen content, and attract your target audience, as divulged by Neil Patel. We can undergo the process to create killer SEO-optimized content together.
AboutThis blog post is an assignment from my New Media Driver's License course from my time as an undergraduate at Michigan State University. As a class, we were assigned a brand from the start of the semester to analyze. Below is my response to a cumulative examination of Urban Outfitter's digital marketing strategy. Dear Urban Outfitters,
As a student who has been analyzing all aspects of your digital marketing strategy, I am drawn to the shop's overall aesthetic and the culture you promote. From a marketing perspective, I find UO's incorporation of hashtags in their Instagram post's brilliant. By encouraging customers to sport UO hashtags in their pictures (#UOonYou, #UOHome, etc.), those posts are then filtered and live-streamed on the Urban Outfitters Community page on their website. This is brilliant in one of two ways: first, you are offering customers an outlet to feel heard. Second, your website is updated continuously at the rate your media is consumed. However, I have one suggestion that I believe will take your brand to the next level: |
Hey there,